Astronomy would not exist without non-verbal representations: With the majority of celestial objects perceptible to us only by the light they emit, images of all kinds have always played a central role in the history of astronomy. This intimate relationship between science and image is not as straightforward, however, as it might at first seem. How direct is this graphic conversion of the subject of observation or registration by man or machine? What is the impact of technological developments? How do astronomers and astrophysicists interact with their illustrators, engravers, lithographers, photographers and other graphic arts specialists? And how can these visual records from the past best be preserved?
vormalige ISBN Verlag Harri Deutsch 978-3-8171-1630-0
Astronomy would not exist without non-verbal representations: With the majority of celestial objects perceptible to us only by the light they emit, images of all kinds have always played a central