This volume contains analytical material on the development of quality assurance in higher education in the Republic of Moldova. It includes different stakeholder views on approaches to linking quality assurance with strategy development within the higher education system. The book is largely based on interviews conducted with vice rectors for quality assurance and heads of quality management departments of the Moldovan universities that are part of the QUAEM project consortium as well as with the managing director for strategy development and international affairs of the German Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes (AQAS)
and with a student representative. It offers insights into the transformation process Moldovan universities underwent towards developing regulations comparable to those used in quality management at universities across the European continent. This publication hopes to contribute to the discussion on quality culture in Moldovan higher education and provide policymakers, professionals and scholars with helpful insights for their work.
This volume contains analytical material on the development of quality assurance in higher education in the Republic of Moldova. It includes different stakeholder views on approaches to linking